Potrait Society of America
Justin is the bomb. This piece of his was chosen as a finalist in the Portrait Society of America's annual portrait competition. Out of 1200 entries, 20 were chosen to show as finalists at the conference in Philadelphia this April. Not that this is surprising, but how cool is he??
Neon Trees
If you don't know already, Bdog is in town with Neon Trees for 2 shows this weekend. Be there!
Friday: Burt's Tiki Lounge
{also starring Marcus Bently}
9:00 p.m.
726 S State St
Salt Lake City, UT 84111
Saturday: Velour
Doors at 8:00
135 N. University Ave.
Provo, UT
The Scooter Lounge
I saw a brand new, shiny green Stella at church a few weeks ago and remembered how awesomely cool they are. Everyone should have one. And you can find them at Dave's totally cool shop, The Scooter Lounge. This is scooter weather. And it's at 600 N State St. in Orem.
Photography - Utah, Las Vegas, Los Angeles
After 49,000 issues and glitches, my website is finally up and running. Please spread the word. Miracles do happen!
See it here: Emilie Campbell
Em to 17 yr. old brother: "So, you're going on a road trip with a bunch of your teenage friends. Is that safe?"
17 yr. old brother: "Dude, two of them are 18."
Em: "So? You could be more responsible and mature than them. What does 18 mean?"
17 yr. old brother: "It means they can sign stuff. And buy dry ice."
17 yr. old brother: "Dude, two of them are 18."
Em: "So? You could be more responsible and mature than them. What does 18 mean?"
17 yr. old brother: "It means they can sign stuff. And buy dry ice."
This Guy
Meet Ted Sablay. He's our new roommate. Now that he's done with his world tour, he's decided to go to medical school. He's the rocket scientist type and would love a job somewhere in the medical field. So spread the word. Ted is very cool and we think Utah will like him.
Lone Peak Carving
The Daily UnCool
All The Cool Kids
Ryan Tanner is the bomb. He's a designer, photographer, musician, lover of Diego's, and fun to road trip with. We love him because he knows that rock 'n roll shows warrant beautiful art to advertise them.