
Christmas Fun

Happy late Christmas, Internet. We've been in LV for the last week with our families. My whole side of the family stayed at my parents house ALL AT THE SAME TIME. For the first time, EVER. We had every couch, bed and floor covered with bodies and it was awesome. I loved it. Christmas in Vegas was fun.

But it's great to be home. We love Utah. Utah is gorgeous and I love driving here from LV. I love living in the mountains, even if there is 10 inches of snow at our house. It's great.

And I forgot to post this when Bdog got back from SF: Whenever he's been out of town for a while, when he gets home...he does this:


  1. that's so funny...it cracks me up because I know he's trying to relax and there are kids toys surrounding him...ah, the life of parents, huh? :) Sounds like Vegas was FUN! I miss it.

  2. Branden and Dave are from the same mold with their tub time. I can't be that comfortable when half your body is cold from exposure due to sitting in a tub that's too small for a man size body.

    Glad you are home safe and sound.

  3. That is a whole new side of Bdog that I am excited to discuss with him the next time I see him! He is so awesome, Jared would rather I remove his eyeballs then post a picture of him in the tub.

  4. Okay...won't even mention you didn't call, was up? Totally kidding...between getting my Primary ready I barely had time to eat, drink, & sometimes sleep...and remember to stop & make sure my baby was moving.

  5. I love these pics! B is the coolest.
