
Diamond Fork Hot Springs

This is what we did over the weekend:

Fall hiking is THE BEST! It's been years since we've hiked to these springs. They are better now. It was fun. And of course, it wouldn't be a day out of the house with Miss Katie without seeing a snake:


  1. That looks like an awesome day! How great - but now that I know the snakes was there, I will have to just enjoy it through the pictures! :)

  2. I love that spot. For years the hike was closed off and you had to hike in from the top. We hiked there together once I think. I may have to dig up some pics. Such pretty pictures. I love them.

  3. Dang! Your pictures are brilliant.

    I need a camera that isn't crap. (and some photography lessons)

  4. I've never been there in the day! What a lovely place!

  5. Dang that is what we wanted to do over the weekend.. but didn't get around to it... and now it is snowing :(

  6. love it. i haven't been there forever.. what a perfect spot. and the trees! beautiful beautiful.
