
This Guy

We love Danny. Danny is my favorite and everyone knows it. I've loved Danny since the first time he made me laugh uncontrollably and inappropriately in our Institute class at UVSC in 1993. He is funnier than anyone you know. His sense of humor is sharp & dry, witty, smart, and totally irreverent. People are very much attracted to him. Whatever you're doing, it is WAY better and WAY more fun if Danny's there. He has been a very loyal friend to us. He is strong, brave, thoughtful, sensitive to peoples' needs, he loves rock 'n roll, and he gives great gifts. We love Danny.


  1. I am so sad about David. So sad. I have heavy boots. Thanks for this post.

  2. that shirt is HY-STER-I-CAL!!!

    Are you doing okay?

  3. I hadn't seen that one with you guys and David in your church duds. A lot of time has gone by. We are all old! And we've all gone through HELL and lived to tell about it.
