

Here is an excerpt from an email my dad sent last week. He was riding in the back of a pickup with my mom driving on a totally washed out trail. I love that they get to have "real" mission experiences. Africa sounds almost as rad as Bulgaria.

As I was holding on for dear life, catching big air along the way, as your mom said we had a drunken Muslim jump in with me. (Muslims aren't supposed to drink alcohol are they?) First he wanted to know why we were in Sierra Leone and I told him we were on a mission. "What church" he says so I tell him and he says "oh! you're a Christian." I say yes and he says "I'm a Muslim." I said that's great. Then he wants to tell me his life story but his brain isn't functioning too well. All of the sudden he says "do you love me" I said I try to love all men, another bump, and he lands on my leg, laughing the whole time. He gave me his phone number and insisted I call him on Tuesday. What's up with that? He asked me two more times if I loved him before we got to the place where he got out. That was the adventure in the back of the pickup. Never a dull moment here.

You can read their blog here ----> PattersonTown.blogspot.com

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