
We're Back

Wow. Busy summer. Busier fall. So many pics to post and wonderful fun to catch up on. I have to do this. After all, this is my only documentation of life :)

But first, if you go to The Festival of Trees in SLC, you will see this:



We need to find a home for this sweet little kitty. We found him freaking out and shaking in our backyard last week. Cats are so easy to take care of. You know you want him!! We have a cat already and she's so easy. We love her. You can love this kitty too :)


Summer Break

Kids home from school and all the traveling = no time for the blogosphere. But here is a dose of cool for the day:



High Uintas

Here's where we drove yesterday. YESTERDAY. Yes, it's July. Gorgeous.


Late Night Neon

Neon Trees on Leno tomorrow night. We're making it a "take your kid to work" day and taking Miss Katie with us :)


More Baby Man

Here's what Bdog made for Baby Connor today while he's out on the road. I wish it was 5 hrs long 'cause I just want to stare at his yummy face all day.



I drove 10 hours alone with my babies just to hang out with Kelli, Brian, Miles, Otis and Charlie. True love <3

The Gang:

The aquarium:

The Zoo...and Katie chasing peacocks of course:

Four Corners:

The drive. It's pretty. Shiprock:


Neon Prom

Here's the Your Surrender video for the Disney movie, Prom. We should all go see it.



When we started this whole Neon Trees biz...I really, really wanted to get one of these. And now we have one.


Baby Man

What could be cooler than this guy...


Neon Glee

I have never seen GLEE but I hear it's really funny. We should watch it tonight though, 'cause they'll be performing the song "Animal" by this one band called Neon Trees. You may have heard of them. I won't be able to tune in though 'cause I'll be at the happiest place on earth with said band's bass player.


London Calling

Here's the extent of my sightseeing in London...


Vote For Neon Trees

When you have a second....go here and vote for Neon Trees and Kaskade in the categories they're listed under:


Chudnite Skali

I want to visit this place so badly. It's called "wonderful rocks" and it's in Bulgaria. I hardly have any memory of this place. I only ever saw it from the train while I was on my mission. I'm ready to go back and see it for real. Ready, set, go.



In honor of tonight's show, here are 2 recent performances:


Nordic Fun

Katie and Connor had their first cross-country skiing adventure on Saturday. Thank goodness Chaz came and towed Connor in the "chariot". There's no way I could have survived the trek down with Connor behind me. Thank you Erin and Chaz for taking us to play in the snow. It was the best ever!!!


The Modfather

Yes. That's Paul Weller. Yes. He spelled our names right. He's my English Rose.


neon trees

Neon Trees on Jay Leno tonight.


neon trees

Neon Trees on Jimmy Fallon tonight.


Come On Everbody It's Family Night

Here's what Bdog and Miss Katie planned for our FHE activity...CEREAL PARTY!!!


Christmas....came and went....

Here is a shot of the packaging for the 2010 neighbor gifts. I'm telling you everyone...save your hot chocolate and baby formula tins because...I mean, LOOK!!!

And here are some Christmas Day shots...all taken by Miss Katie, photographer extraordinarre:

And it was once again, Miss Katie's birthday. I can't believe my baby is 8. I love you Katie!!!