There is so much news to be stoked about. Our benefit concert was fantastic and I wish I could thank every person individually for helping, coming, rocking out, spreading the word...all that. We raised over $20K for GIANT Steps and that makes me happy. We left town after the concert for LA for Jay Leno, Ellen, The Troubadour the band is in NYC for shows, VH1 stuff, Fuse stuff, The Today Show, then off on tour. Picture Show is out today and it's already in the iTunes Alternative top 10. All very good things. Busy is good.
Connor is making amazing noises lately. He's making consonant sounds and being extremely vocal. I love it. Whenever he makes new or unusual sounds, my ears perk up and time kinda stops. I have to drop everything and just listen and love it. He went to school today after his time home for spring break. He was very excited to get on the bus. But I miss him already and it's only 10 a.m.
After waiting about 6 years, we are FINALLY getting new back doors installed. It's a miracle. No more snow, wind or rain through our fake french doors, ruining our floor. This makes me so happy.
I have a lot to celebrate today. But instead I'm cleaning up a lot of broken things (thank you Connor), and a lot of extreme messes (thank you Katie), some stinky stuff (thank you Lucy) and A SHLOAD of laundry (thank you Bdog). I want to be in a great mood, but the morning show down getting Katie out the door this morning was brutal. I was a total a-hole. I think I'll pick her up for lunch to smooth things over. Is there anything worse than sending your 3rd grader to school in tears? I'm sure I could keep my cool better if she did the things she needs to do on her own, or the first time I ask. Instead she doesn't do anything UNTIL I'M SCREAMING IN HER FACE. This is a problem. Anyone else have that problem? It's a good way to ruin what should be a great day. Have a great day!!!
Here's a piece of Katie's iPad artwork for you to enjoy.