
Sweet Dreams Club

I recently found all the documents of the Sweet Dreams Club. This is a club my big sister started in 1983. She and I were the only members, along with our cat Tigger. You can see on the "role" card that the dates span from 1983-1985. She kept this going for a long time. Here are only a few of the many cards we had. Other cards include the "did" card, which is still blank; The "dues" card which shows that I brought 20 cents and my sister brought gum; The "people we visited" card; and the "outside activities with due money" card = walking to 711, getting Macayo chips, and going shopping at places around Lucky's. My favorite card shown here is the membership card which once included a friend who got the White-Out.....


  1. Aren't these the best memories to run across? I bet you and your sister had a huge laugh wnen you told her you found it... she will love those photos!

  2. OH.MY.GOSH. That is hilarious. I was just recently telling Julia all about the Sweet Dream Club and now I have photos to show her! I can't believe you have these. That's amazing and where have they been hiding these past 25 years?

  3. Those are amazing. Why wasn't I invited??? Because I was too busy being a bratty High School Know It All Scary Big Sister?

  4. Okay, that's the funniest thing I've seen in a really long time. I can totally picture you two at this age being very serious about club duites. Love it.

  5. H-Y-S-T-E-R-I-C-A-L!!! I love that post!! Tooooooo funny!!!
    Jen :)

  6. I love it! And sleeping is a good excuse for a cat to miss a Sweet Dream Club meeting, but I'm so curious to know why Tigger missed the one on 11-18-85. Maybe he went dirt biking down the street.

  7. I love the role card..did your cat sign in himself?

    Maybe you should wear one of those stickers to bed so that you and Justin Timberlake can get it on. Oh wait, that would be a dream that I would want.

    Don't tell Dave.

  8. That cracks me up...the things we do as kids. I totally forgot about Tigger until I read his name. You know those crazy clubs didn't end with elem.years...remember the "Mad Hatters" with Amy? I came across my sealed letter a few years back.
