
More Dreams

I have had so many rock 'n roll dreams lately. Mostly Neon Trees dreams. I had two really long Neon Trees dreams last week, too long to post, so I'll just hit the 2 highlights which were:

1. Tyler asking me to sing Shoplifters Of The World Unite with him in front of a huge crowd while we were at a Killer's video shoot...


2. Branden telling everyone he was leaving the band unless they changed the name. So, he came home to pout about it and I convinced him the name was good and told him that Lisa Vannucci really liked it so he changed his mind and all was well.

But last night's dream is one that is really fascinating me...

We lived in a big art deco style house. It was a little on the George Jetson side of deco. My parents were moving in with us. We had one giant, open living room with a canvas wall stretched out like a rounded, curved sail. On this giant wall, in patchwork pieces of fabric, was the word "Lakland". Lakland is the bass company that Branden endorses. I'm so weirded out that we had it written in giant fabric letters on our wall. And the typeface was the same one that Peavey uses on its amps and stuff. The canvas wall was directly over the cubicles where Ryan Tanner worked on vinyl record covers, but next to the open desk area where Nicole Nelson, Jamie Davis and some random people worked.

I seriously wish I could get a full 8 hrs. of sleep every night just so I could have more dreams.


  1. Off subject, I clicked on Lisa Vannucci's website...I love her work. Very cool. Your dreams are wacko! Linda

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. I am not up to date with rock. If I knew who all the people were that you dream about, it'd make more sense to me. (And I'd probably be a lot cooler)

  4. I'm glad to hear M&D will be moving in with you :)
