
Who Are You Giveaway

Please note: To sign up for the drawing, you have to become an actual "follower" of the blog. You can do this by clicking the word "Follow" under Cool Peeps in the column on the right. ----->

We've been checking out our hit counter recently, and we average about 75 hits a day. We've realized that we only know who about 25 of you are. So, we're having another fun giveaway. Sign up to "follow" this blog between now and next Monday (April 6th) and we'll put you in a drawing for a Dawn Durell Bag (we'll include you homies that are already following of course). And if you're a guy, and don't want a bag for your hot sweetie, we'll have to make you an awesome mix CD or get you into a Neon Trees show or something like that. So sign up! And let the coolness start.


  1. Love the daily Cool~ I will check in more often!

  2. Alright I'm officially following.. my blog lurking days are over.

  3. you know i'm here all the time... love your bags and love your face!

  4. hey...I heard, through the Gloria/Barbara grapevine about baby Conner. :( bummer! Glad he is on the mend, and hope you are too. And I totally check your blog ALL the time. ;) Have a great day. Jen

  5. Fun to read about all your creative endeavors. Come visit us in Midway sometime. I'd love to see you and the kids.

  6. My aunt told me about your blog... & I love it! I am now a follower!

  7. You are Miss Awesome! I hope to be as cool as you someday! I figure if I read from the Daily Cool it just might happen, maybe!

  8. Wow - I get so behind on your blog. Looks like I made it just in time for a cute bag give away. Looks like you have been a busy busy girl. Hope you and the kids are good and Bdog is livin' large where ever he is.

  9. Yes yes, we better be-able to win twice!

  10. OK I guess I am official now...never knew I had to do that....HINT HINT...I could use a bag for a new diaper bag soon(0= Just teasin'...play fair I know!
