
Harvest Moon

Our back yard carrots:

I've had a hard time keeping up with the harvest this year. I've made more salsa, applesauce, plum jam, beets (with goat cheese of course), basil concoctions and grilled squash than any one family can eat. I love picking stuff that grows in the dirt. It's just hard to eat it all before it's not so yummy anymore.


  1. hooray for harvest! and lotsa salsa.

  2. I didn't know you had stuff growing back there. And I 100% agree- it is so hard to keep up with the harvest.

  3. The above comment wasn't Dave. It was me.

  4. I actually figured out the best tomatoes to grow here in Vegas...I didn't have to buy any for 3 months (amazing for here). My squash were eaten by bugs though. You are lucky. Am I the only one that doesn't know anything about beets and goat cheese?
