
This Week Bites

What a week...here are some highlights:

Monday...Connor driving mom & dad to the MTC. Surreal:

Mom wearing my mission tag...in Bulgarian:

Wednesday...ConDog and BDog having their last J Dawg together:

The Goodbye:

Even though I'm proud and feel excited for them, I can't say I'm really enjoying this. Not one bit.


  1. Very bitter sweet!

  2. This made me tear up a little bit. I am so excited for them, but know it is hard to be apart! Now the count down can begin. If it makes you feel any better - my count down is half way over and it has gone faster then I thought it would. :)

  3. I can't say Katie was enjoying it one little bit either.

    Em...your family can do this. POWER.

  4. ahhh....this is sad. i bet youre so proud though. it was so great to see you last weekend. i miss you...and I MISSED THE SHOW! i had no idea it was so soon i thought it was in like a couple weeks. balls. like lets do some effing crafts or some shiii. like i knit i'll teach you.

  5. That last pic made me tear up.

    What a blessing to have so many Pattersons in the field. Can't wait to hear about their great experiences.

  6. wow Em! hang in there! And keep us updated on everyone...is your mom going to do a blog or anything while they're gone? Wanna meet up this week?
