
Neon Trees Tix

So, Evonne is the winner. Super stoked if you're coming to the show girl!! Thank you everyone for spreading the word.

Lot's of people have asked me how they can contribute if they can't make the show. There is a place to donate on the Friends Of Giant Steps Website----> FOGS

Also, people have asked about being able to buy the special shirts if they can't come to the show. These...

Here's the deal, we'd like to sell out of these shirts at the show. If there are some availble after, we will have them for sale. There will be tote bags with this design on them too :)

Everyone, come to this. You NEED to come to this.


  1. I was excited for a moment, because I thought you said "Everyone is the winner!" I am of course very happy for Evonne, but my heart was pumping for a minute. Oh well, I am not sure if we could afford the gas to drive down from Ogden to even use the free tickets :). Well I hope the event is fantastic!

  2. Do you know if this concert is being held in the gym or the auditorium? I really want to go but I have problems with my foot and cannot stand (or dance!) for long periods of time.
    Thanks so much! I'm very excited to go.

  3. The concert is in the auditorium...which means SEATS!!! YAY!!!!
