
This Song Lyric

I've been alive forever

And I wrote the very first song

You all should know it. Do you? Do you?


Kgordee said...

First I just want to say how thrilled I am to see you guys blogging! Not that it could ever take the place of hanging out with you, at least I can feel more caught up on what you are up to during the times when we are not hanging out. Now for the answer to the song lyric trivia, I believe the lyrics were written by Bruce Johnston and of course the song is performed by Barry Manilow. See you guys later,

Kendra Leigh said...

Sweet! Welcome to blog world!
Matt agrees with kgordee about the lyricsfp- but that's just his gut feeling. He really has no idea.

Paul said...

Glad you guys finally joined the dark side; blogging has become practically our only link to the world outside of St. Louis. We'll be regulars at the Daily Cool.

Love ya!

emily jeanne said...

Hooray for blogging! now I can e-stalk you!

Liz Patterson said...

What's up Barry Manilow lover.
DO NOT paint that clock black. It will still work in your office & you don't want to mess with retro perfection. Plus, someday you may find yourself on Antique Road Show and it will be worth TONS MORE with it's orginal finish!