

Here's the new video:


MaryBeth said...

Dig it. Tatiana was a little worried with all the "messes" they were making with the paint, but she got over it when the animals popped up and started dancing. She gives it a "let's watch it again!"

Anonymous said...

Liked the first one waaay better!

Erik Isakson said...

way cool. Quite a production w/ the costumes and ruining all that artwork! Great song too. We'd love to see you guys sometime when you're out in SoCal. Maybe NT is playing in OC?

Shenay said...

Hot, Hot, Hot!!! So if MTV still played music videos instead of shows about pregnant 16 year olds, tom-boys becoming prom queens or a bunch of dorks from Jersey, is the one I'd see?

sara said...

Emilie and Branden-

I LOVE this song! It's awesome. Love the video too. Can't wait to download it to my itunes!


Sara Stelter