
Parent's Night

Last night was my first parent's night ever. It was awesome to study all the artwork and projects that were lining the halls of each grade level. I think we were in the 3rd grade hall when I saw the following on a poster where the students were to write down something they are good at:

"I'm emazing at riting."

Yes. Yes you are.


MaryBeth said...

That's awesome!

Shel said...

Instills confidence in the education system, doesn't it?

:) kidding.

Kaerlig said...

HeeHee. Today I was helping Rainer memorize a poem. He was frustrated and I told him to read it a few times and tell me when he was ready. He said he didn't need to read it because the Holy Ghost was going to help him.

Commander Power said...

Looks like that child was "huked on foniks"